
Join instructor Brent Loehr as he shares information you can use to achieve success.

Built from certifications in sport psychology, mental performance coaching and countless hours of research, this training will benefit young and old athletes/performers alike and have a potential overlap for personal improvement in school, work, and life.  

Learn how to enhance mental toughness by building self-confidence, working on controlling arousal levels and emotions, boosting focus and concentration, utilizing a positive mindset, and committing to goals.  Discover how you can improve performance and achieve success by learning about visualization and imagery, routines and habits of excellence, team culture and roles, and the power of music as it pertains to performance. 

This training is open to adults and teens who want to achieve their goals and can be set up for individuals or teams.  For more information, contact Carlton Trail College at 306.682.2623.

Admission Requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Application FEE Price Other Total
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Call 306.682.2623 for more information.

Locations, Dates and Apply

LOCATION Dates and Times Session Notes Status
VARIOUS LOCATIONS Call 1.800.667.2623 for more information.

Land Acknowledgement

Carlton Trail College serves the communities of east-central Saskatchewan. We respectfully acknowledge that we do so within Treaty 4 and 6 territories, traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota and Métis Nations.

We honour and respect these Treaties and are committed to working in partnership with all Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.