
This course is appropriate for persons working as building operators who deal with steam or hot water boilers. It will help prepare students to write the Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) Fireman Boiler Operator Exam. Topics include Industrial Legislation for Fireman Boiler Operators, Safety, Introduction to Thermodynamics, Introduction to Boilers, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Boiler Operations, Water Treatment, Plant Equipment, Electric Controls, and Building Services.

Admission Requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Application FEE Price Other Total
- -

Call 306.554.3767 for details.

Locations, Dates and Apply

LOCATION Dates and Times Session Notes Status
WYNYARD November 16, 17, 30, December 1, 14 & 15, 2024

Call 306.554.3767 for details.

OPEN Apply
Land Acknowledgement

Carlton Trail College serves the communities of east-central Saskatchewan. We respectfully acknowledge that we do so within Treaty 4 and 6 territories, traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota and Métis Nations.

We honour and respect these Treaties and are committed to working in partnership with all Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.