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Customized Training

A man instructing a group of adults in a customized  computer course.

A skilled workforce can help you and your business or organization achieve your strategic and operational goals. 

If you want to…

  • increase quality, productivity and profits,
  • improve staff recruitment, retention and morale,
  • boost teamwork and cooperation,
  • enhance your problem solving capability,
  • provide the required certification training for your employees,
  • add a fun learning session to your staff party,
  • reduce or eliminate the costs of travel and hotels by training locally, or
  • achieve specific education, training and personal development needs

Carlton Trail College can help.

We will partner with you to offer your workforce the best in education and training options.  We have worked with many groups, businesses, industries and First Nations communities to address specific training needs.

We can…

  • customize training to meet the specific needs of your business or industry,
  • source established programs and tailor these programs to fit your needs,
  • train all of your employees at the same time or in select groups and customize the training even further, and
  • deliver your training onsite or at one of our facilities.

You can choose from…

  • health and safety training
  • computer and software training
  • occupational training
  • industry specific training
  • professional development
  • team building exercises
  • creative learning sessions
  • wine tasting and cooking classes
  • and more!

A Training Specialist will meet with you to discuss your specific training and education needs and then provide you with a free quote for the type of training required.

Plus, you may be eligible for funding opportunities available through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant!

This program helps businesses and non-profit organizations train new or existing employees for available jobs and provides more opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers to receive training.  Through the program, the employer contributes one-third of the tuition cost, while the federal and provincial governments contribute the remaining two-thirds.  To learn more about this program visit

Saskatchewan businesses may also be eligible for the temporary, Re-Skill Saskatchewan Training Subsidy program to help businesses emerge from the pandemic. This program offers financial supports for short-term employee training programs. Private and not-for-profit sector employees are eligible. Learn more at

For more information about Customized Training, contact a Training Specialist at your nearest Carlton Trail College Office in…



Carlton Trail College