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Carlton Trail College
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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Explore Our Programs

Girl looking upward and considering her choices.

Carlton Trail College is one of Saskatchewan’s leading training and educational institutions. We offer Sask Polytech Certificate and Diplomas, Industry Training, Adult Basic Education, English Language Training (ESL Courses), Industry Training and Continuing Education.

Our priority is helping you succeed. From the programs we offer, to the services we provide, we are focused on helping you achieve your education and career goals.

Whether you are…

  • looking for a program that leads to a new career,
  • investing in training for your employees,
  • needing to upgrade your marks,
  • desiring to develop your English skills, or
  • wanting to learn a new skill,

…Carlton Trail College can help you achieve your goals.

Explore all of the possibilities….

For more information, contact…

Carlton Trail College