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2.11 - Purchasing - Policy

Section:         Finance
Subject:         Purchasing
Policy:             2.11
Approved:     June 30, 1986
Revised:         December 15, 2015


The purchasing function of Carlton Trail College shall be performed in an open, fair and transparent manner where goods and services are procured in an open competitive environment and where all transactions yield the optimal benefit to the College. The purpose of this policy is to establish the principles for and the context within which purchasing activities will take place.


  • All acquisitions of goods or services must be properly authorized per the College’s Signing Authority Matrix (Procedure 1.4).
  • Finance has the responsibility for the management of all procurement services.
  • No person will commit Carlton Trail College to agreements, licenses, contracts, leases or other legally enforceable obligations unless authorized to do as indicated within the Signing Authority Matrix.
  • All purchases shall be made in compliance with legislation and statutory regulations including Occupational Health and Safety and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for safety standards, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) for hazardous products, custom duties, excise taxes, goods and services tax (GST) and provincial sales tax (PST).
  • All procurement of goods or services will be based on the following minimum guidelines:
  • Any item(s) not exceeding $5,000 in value may be purchased based on:
    • Purchasing’s knowledge of and experience with the supplier, or
    • Based on the purchaser’s knowledge of last purchase price and/or
    • Based on a verbal quotation.
  • Any item(s) not exceeding $10,000 in value may be purchased on the basis of verbal quotations from no fewer than three suppliers. The quotations must be documented in writing.
  • Any item(s) not exceeding $25,000 in value may be purchased on the basis of written quotations from no fewer than three suppliers.
  • Any item(s) exceeding $25,000 in value must be purchased in accordance with Tendering Policy 2.16.
  • Any employee making a purchase or commitment in the name of the College without following proper process may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Carlton Trail College employees are governed by a Code of Conduct 3.2. Accordingly, Carlton Trail College employees must disclose any financial or personal interest, direct or indirect, in a prospective vendor to the VP of the respective department or the President and CEO and where deemed appropriate, withdraw from the decision-making process.