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Tax Information for Students

T2202 Information for Saskatchewan College Students
January 2024
The T2202 is an official tuition and enrolment tax certificate that may be used for personal income tax purposes. T2202’s are generated by the end of February each year, for the preceding taxation year (January-December).
Please note the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires all designated educational institutions to include each student’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) on their T2202. 
If needed, Carlton Trail College staff may be in contact to request a student’s SIN.  Your SIN is considered confidential personal information. Carlton Trail College maintains this information in a secure environment and only uses it, as required, for government reporting purposes.
If you have taken a qualifying education program with tuition over $100 in the past year, a T2202 tax certificate will be created for you.
Please note the amount of tuition and fees paid may not necessarily correspond to your T2202 because not all tuition and fees are tax deductible. A T2202 only reports “eligible fees,” not all fees that may have been paid. Also, the T2202 is based on the tax year (January-December) and not the standard academic year (September-June).
Non-credit courses may be included on your T2202 but may not be eligible for income tax purposes. It is the student’s responsibility to determine eligibility for taxation purposes.
Carlton Trail College cannot provide tax advice. T2202 information is provided in accordance with CRA’s tax rules, for the current tax year. It does not provide assurance that a student may be eligible for tuition credit. Each student must determine if they are eligible for this - or other - tax credits based on their own circumstances. To find out more about tuition credits, contact the CRA or a tax professional.
How to View Your T2202 Tax Certificate:
T2202 tax certificates are made available online.
Once the College generates your T2202, it will be sent directly to the Saskatchewan Advanced Education Portal. You will then receive an email from the following address – This is the same portal used for student loans, the graduate retention program and Provincial Training Allowance.
This email message will:

a) ask you to log in to your personal account; OR

b) ask you to create a portal account.

(Note: If you need help accessing or creating this account, contact the Saskatchewan Student Service Centre at 1-800-597-8278. Carlton Trail College cannot help you with your portal account.)

If Carlton Trail College does not have a current email address on file, you will not receive this message. If the College does not have an existing email address for a student, a paper copy of the T2202 will be generated and mailed to the address on file.

Ensure your email address and contact information is always current – you can update it anytime by contacting Carlton Trail College.

Please note your T2202 will also be available through CRA’s secure portal. If you have an account with CRA, you will be able to log in and view your T2202 online there.

If you have questions about the information on your T2202, please call Carlton Trail College’s Registration Associate at 1 (800) 667-2623.

Further taxation information is also available on CRA’s website

Carlton Trail College