Graduations and Program Celebrations

Graduations and program celebrations at Carlton Trail College bring together our learning community to celebrate the achievements of our students.

Held in the spring of each year, graduation is the formal process of completing all of the academic requirements for a certificate or diploma program. When you graduate, you will officially receive your certificate or diploma from your credential-granting institution, which is sent to you by mail after your program’s completion.

Program celebrations are typically less formal events that mark the completion of a specific program or course.

Graduation or program celebrations hosted by Carlton Trail College are events where you might wear a cap and gown and walk across a staged area, and where the College President and CEO, Board of Directors, Executive Team and staff or instructional representatives will acknowledge you to celebrate your hard work and success.

Enrolment services maintains listings of all students who are eligible to graduate within a given year.

Event information is provided each year as details are confirmed.


Do I need to apply to graduate?

You do not need to apply to graduate.

Enrolment services maintains listings of all students who are eligible to graduate within a given year.

Am I able to invite guests?


Graduations and program celebrations are a special time to be joined by family and friends, and guests are encouraged to attend to celebrate alongside you.

Guest information is provided each year as details are confirmed.

When should I arrive and what should I wear?

Plan to be at the venue 30 minutes before the start of the event.

For graduations, this allows for you to receive your gown as well as instructions of what to expect during the ceremony.

As you may be wearing a graduation gown for a long period of time and sitting for most of the ceremony, we recommend wearing light, breathable clothing and comfortable shoes.

Program celebration attire may need to be adapted, depending on the weather.


What if I am not able to attend a ceremony or celebration?

As certificates and diplomas are mailed following each program’s completion, you do not need to be in attendance to receive your official document.

Please note each year’s graduation dates in the Important Dates section of the website and watch for event information to be released each spring.


Saskatchewan Graduate Retention Program

Saskatchewan’s Graduate Retention Program (GRP) provides a rebate up to $20,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible graduates who live in Saskatchewan and file a Saskatchewan income tax return.

Learn more about the GRP and if you are eligible to participate.