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2.16 - Tenders - Policy

Section:           Finance
Subject:           Tenders
Policy:              2.16
Approved:      November 18, 1998
Revised:          December 15, 2015


As a publicly-funded organization, Carlton Trail College has a responsibility to ensure adequate monitoring and control of the expenditure of public funds. Carlton Trail College is committed to achieving the best value for money and maintaining a consistent, fair and transparent process for vendors.


Thresholds for procurement of goods and/or services:

  • estimated to cost less than $25,000 may be secured on a fee-for-service basis in accordance with the Purchasing policy 2.11;
  • estimated to cost between $25,000 and $50,000 may be put to invitational tender provided that the President and CEO or his/her designate ensures that a cross-section of local contractors/vendors equipped to provide the required services is invited to bid;
  • estimated to cost in excess of $50,000 shall be put to public tender and shall be advertised in local newspapers and/or via other media widely used for this purpose;
  • as a public institution Carlton Trail College is considered a member of the MASH sector (Municipalities, Academic, Schools and Hospitals) and as such is subject to the New West Partnership Agreement (NWP). In compliance, any construction exceeding a threshold of $200,000 or goods and/or services exceeding a threshold of $75,000 must adhere to the procurement rules outlined in the aforementioned agreements and post the related tenders on the SaskTenders website 

Tendering of contracts for special services and major projects should be and should appear to be done in such a manner as to ensure proper and responsible use of Public Funds.

All advertisements shall indicate when and where sealed tenders will be opened (or how to acquire this information) if applicable and shall include the statement: “the lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted and preference may be given to local contractors in accordance with Board policy. Details may be obtained upon request.

All tenders shall be treated fairly and with respect.

Sealed tenders received in response to published advertisements shall be opened in public at the pre-advertised time and location.

The College shall award contracts to the tender that best satisfies the selection criteria.

Selection criteria for awarding of contracts shall be:

  • Specifications met (primary)
  • Price (primary)
  • Background, experience, and reputation (references)
  • Resource availability (e.g. labour, equipment, materials, etc.)
  • Financial capacity
  • Key personnel
  • Origin of labour, plant, materials and local content
  • Quality Assurance
  • Completion Assurance (performance bond)
  • Capacity to meet the College’s required timelines for completion or delivery

Authority to approve purchases and to award contracts shall be based on Carlton Trail College’s Signing Authority Matrix.

The College shall issue a news release when a contract is awarded for a capital construction project valued in excess of $50,000.