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2.17 - Payroll Administration - Policy

Section:         Finance
Subject:         Payroll Administration
Policy:             2.17
Approved:     February 2001
Revised:         November 1, 2015

The Board authorizes the VP Administration to administer the College's payroll transaction functions.

2.17 - Payroll Administration - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Payroll Administration
Procedure:      2.17
Approved:       September 12, 2000
Reviewed:       May 21, 2013
Revised:           November 1, 2015

Human Resources is a significant part of College operations.  It is imperative that all employees are treated fairly and consistently across the Regional College system.  Therefore, it is necessary that the VP Administration be involved in any issues regarding payroll. 

All transactions relating to payroll are to be initiated and approved by the VP Administration.


Employees may be issued a cash advance up to half of their estimated monthly after-tax income.  Cash advances will be paid on the 10th of the month.  All cash advances and changes to advance amounts are to be approved by the VP Administration before payment.

Monthly Payroll

All employees will be issued a monthly salary on the 25th of the month.  If the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, the pay will be issued on the last working day prior to the 25th.  All payroll information is to be approved by the VP Administration prior to submission to payroll.

Preparation of Payroll

The Accountant will prepare the payroll and enter all information into the payroll software package.  Time sheets are to be verified for necessary approvals.  Draft payroll register is to be printed and forwarded (with all backup documentation) to the VP Administration for verification before posting.

Checking of Payroll

The VP Administration or VP Finance will review the draft payroll register for accuracy and make relevant corrections.

Authorization of Payroll

The VP Administration or the VP Finance will authorize the payroll before electronic submission.

Manual Payroll Cheques

A manual cheque may be issued if circumstances warrant.  Management must authorize any manual cheques.

Time Sheets (Hourly Paid Staff)

  • Time sheets are to be submitted by the 20th of the month.  They will be reviewed and approved by the immediate supervisor.
  • If the timesheet is not submitted, the employee will not be paid.

Journal Entries

  • Journal entries will be recorded monthly to set up the payroll amount in the general ledger. 
  • The month-end journal entry is to be reconciled with direct deposit totals monthly. 
  • Journal entries are to be posted to the general ledger by the second working day of the following month.
  • The journal entry is to be reviewed by the VP Finance and approved.

Monthly Remittances for Revenue Canada

  • Monthly remittances must be paid by their due date as set by Revenue Canada Taxation, without exception.
  • Cheque requisitions are to be approved by the VP Administration or VP Finance.
  • The payroll statutory deductions account is to be balanced monthly to ensure it is in agreement with the general ledger.  Revenue Canada Taxation sends a monthly receipt, which needs to be verified to ensure the payroll deductions were deposited to the right account.

Employee Benefits

  • The VP Administration will initiate and approve any employee changes.
  • In-scope employees will receive benefits as specified in the current Collective Agreement.
  • Out-of-scope employees will receive benefits as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Benefit remittances are to be balanced monthly with the general ledger account and reconciled to the benefit carrier statement. 
  • Remittances are to be paid by the carrier due date.
  • Cheque requisitions are to be approved by the VP Administration or the VP Finance.

Payroll Correspondence

  • Any correspondence affecting payroll will be reviewed with the VP Administration or VP Finance prior to issue. 
  • The VP Administration will be copied on all correspondence.