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2.2 - Operating Fund Bank Account - Policy

Section:         Finance
Subject:         Operating Fund Bank Account
Policy:             2.2
Approved:     August 22, 1995
Revised:         November 1, 2015

Only one bank account shall be utilized for the depositing and disbursing of Operating Funds.

The Board of Directors of Carlton Trail College shall, every four years, alternating with the review of audit services, review tendering of banking services.

2.2 - Operating Fund Bank Account - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Operating Fund Bank Account
Procedure:      2.2
Approved:       August 22, 1995
Revised:           February 25, 2020

Two persons, the VP Finance plus any one of the President and CEO, VP Administration, Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, shall be authorized to sign cheques drawn on the Operating Fund Account.

The President and CEO, in the absence of the VP Finance, with any one of the VP Administration, Chairperson, or the Vice-Chairperson shall be authorized to sign cheques drawn on the Operating Fund Account.