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2.20 - Testing and Assessment Fees - Policy

Section:          Finance
Subject:          Testing and Assessment Fees
Policy:              2.20
Approved:      April 27, 2007
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College shall endeavor to offer a comprehensive array of testing and assessment services on an individual or group basis.

2.20 - Testing and Assessment Fees - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Testing and Assessment Fees
Procedure:      2.20
Approved:       April 27, 2007
Revised:           November 1, 2015

The VP Finance and VP Academic will review the following rates prior to the start of each fiscal year.

COPS Testing

  • $25.00 per person in a group
  • $35.00 per person on an individual basis

Accuplacer (at a client's request, not as special admissions)

  • $20.00 per person within normal work hours
  • $35.00 per person outside of normal work hours

Lassi (at a client's request, not as special admissions)

  • $20.00 per person within normal work hours
  • $35.00 per person outside of normal work hours

Myers Briggs Testing

  • $35.00 per person in a group

Irlin Syndrome Testing

  • $150.00 per person

Woodcock-Johnson Achievement and Cognitive Testing

  • $1,000.00 per person