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2.21 - Pricing Procedures - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Pricing Procedures
Procedure:      2.1
Approved:       June 9, 2008
Revised:           November 1, 2015

The VP Finance and VP Academic will review the following rates prior to the start of each fiscal year.


We do it                                           25 cents/copy
We do it & they supply paper 10 cents/copy (not encouraged, except staff, etc.)
Color copying      $1.25 copy (staff 20 cents)

*Excludes resumes – multiple copies (more than 5) to be charged at the above rate. Students’ costs are within program fees.


Incoming 25 cents/page
Outgoing 50 cents/page (maximum charge of 10 pages)

Staff whereby if they give the activity report to the accounting clerk they will be charged time and number of pages. Student/client assignments/resumes (whether Carlton Trail’s or not) are part of student services and there is no charge.

Facility Rentals:

Board Room/Classroom         $50/day
  HEC - add a $35 janitorial rate for weekends and school holidays
Computer Lab                          $5/hr per student/computer
  $3/hr per student (non-profit organizations)
  Refer to “Computer Lab Rental” electronic template (sample attached)

Equipment Rentals:    

Flipchart and paper                $10/day
Screen  $10/day
LCD projector $100/day
Laptop $40/day or $100/week or $350/month
First Aid (all prices include supplies - lungs, electrodes, etc.)  
ACCTAR Adult $15/day or $45/week
AED    $30/day
ACCTAR Baby  $15/day or $45/week

*Non-profit organizations may receive reduced rates or no charge at the discretion of the Training Consultant or a VP.

*GST is to be charged for all facility and equipment rentals.

*All rentals may be pro-rated up to a minimum of a half-day (excluding the LCD  projector)

*An “Equipment Rental” form must be filled out and signed prior to a rental item leaving the premises.

Computer Training Consulting

Cost plus 20%; varies with curriculum development and mileage. 20% is a guideline only.

Welding Rates:

Full Welding Shop                    $75/day plus materials on an individual basis

Supervised Booth Rate:

Booth rental is only possible when it does not interfere with scheduled activities in the shop. This service is normally provided for former students but others will be considered.

Booth use, which must be supervised, is subject to approval from the Training Consultant and the instructor involved.


As per current Saskatchewan Polytechnic rate; plus supervisory charge and exceptional materials usage charge at cost.