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2.22 - Tuition Payment/Submission - Procedure

Section:          Finance
Subject:          Tuition Payment/Submission
Policy:              2.22
Approved:      June 9, 2008
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015


All tuition and applicable fees are due and payable by the first day of classes; the only exceptions are as follows:

  • A pre-approved payment plan is in place.
  • A letter of support is in place (e.g., a letter from Workers Compensation Board stating that they will be paying for the tuition and books for a specified student). This letter must be on file with Accounting and Student Services.

Submission of Tuition and Fee Payments

Tuition and fee payments are to be submitted to Accounting upon collection; it is not advisable to hold cheques from students that have paid while waiting for payment from others that have not.