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2.4 - Investing - Policy

Section:         Finance
Subject:         Investing
Policy:            2.4
Approved:     August 22, 1995
Revised:         November 1, 2015
Reviewed:     November 30, 2016

The College Board of Directors shall establish an operating fund line of credit.

The College shall invest funds only in those securities which the Minister of Finance has approved for Regional Colleges, pursuant to Section 23 of the Regional Colleges Act.

(April 13, 1992)

2.4 - Investing - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Investing
Procedure:      2.4
Approved:       February 2001
Revised:           November 1, 2015
Reviewed:       November 30, 2016 

As per Policy 2.4, a line of credit has been established as follows:

That the Board approves an operating line of credit not to exceed $100,000.   (July 9, 1992)


  • Securities issued by Federal or Provincial Government
  • Securities issued by agencies of the crown
  • Securities insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). CDIC insures eligible securities to a maximum of $100,000 per financial institution
  • Securities insured by another source (i.e., Saskatchewan Credit Union insure all funds held by their branches). Documentation will be held for verification by local auditor.