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3.1 - Code of Ethics - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Code of Ethics
Policy:              3.1
Approved:      December 18, 2001
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015
The staff members of Carlton Trail College shall carry out their duties, obligations and responsibilities with integrity and conduct themselves in accordance with the College's mission statement and the principles of adult education.

The Code of Ethics will:

  • Define accepted/acceptable behaviors
  • Promote high standards of practice
  • Provide a benchmark for self-evaluation
  • Establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities

3.1 - Code of Ethics - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Code of Ethics
Procedure:     3.1
Approved:      December 18, 2001
Revised:          November 1, 2015
The staff of Carlton Trail College will adhere to the following:

Commitment to Students/Clients

  • to treat each student/client respectfully, justly, considerately and consistently
  • to encourage each student/client to attain personal and academic growth
  • to inform students/clients of their rights, responsibilities, obligations, opportunities and risks
  • to ensure a positive and safe learning environment
  • to constantly seek ways to better serve the needs of students/clients
  • to refrain from an intimate relationship with a student/client
  • to maintain student/client confidentiality

 Commitment to Co-Workers

  • to conduct oneself professionally
  • to treat each other respectfully and with consideration for individual interests and character
  • to support and assist one another
  • to ensure a positive and safe work environment
  • to keep the trust under which confidential information is exchanged

Commitment to the College

  • to remain focused on the duties as outlined in job descriptions
  • to refrain from outside employment or influences that might impair commitment to the college
  • to provide consistent quality service
  • to be consistent in the application of College policy and procedure
  • to be aware of any changes to College policy and procedure
  • to follow all terms of the duly negotiated collective agreement
  • to uphold the positive image of the college
  • to practice zero tolerance in the areas of harassment and discrimination

Commitment to Community

  • to be a good citizen
  • to use facilities for purposes consistent with College policy
  • to be aware of the negative impact of stereotyping and discrimination
  • to be sensitive to diversity within the community

These ethical principles are not intended to replace or provide a substitute for codes of ethics applicable to specific professions.