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3.10 - Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave
Policy:              3.10
Approved:      April 1998
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

This policy will facilitate fair, equitable and consistent administration of the articles in the Collective Agreement related to pressing necessity and bereavement leave.         

3.10 - Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave
Procedure:     3.10
Approved:      April 1998
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015


The College recognizes that employees may encounter personal emergency or unforeseen circumstances that require their absence from work.  The College will assist employees in such situations by providing pressing necessity or bereavement leave.  Employees will be required to self-declare their eligibility for leave.  The College will require reasonable justification for leave based on a principle of mutual trust for the fair and equitable application and administration of the process.  It is essential to have clear guidelines that will facilitate access to leave of absence with pay.


Pressing Necessity is defined as permission to be absent from work in order for the employee to deal with an unforeseen, unusual, or emergency situation, which normally involves the health or safety of the employee or their immediate family.

Bereavement Leave is an absence from work due to a death in the employee’s immediate or extended family.

Immediate Family is the employee’s:  spouse, common law spouse, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, brother, sister, grandchildren and grandparents.

Normally, Extended Family is the employee’s:  first cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and those others significant to the employee.  


  • In accordance with Article 17.1.1 of the Collective Agreement, College employees shall be allowed leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority and benefits, to a maximum of five (5) days per year for instances of pressing necessity and bereavement.
  • Employees shall self-declare that their access to leave with pay for pressing necessity and bereavement complies with the spirit and intent of the guidelines contained within this policy.


Administrative Process

  • It is expected that the College will be notified of the situation as soon as possible.  Employees will be required to complete the necessary documentation upon return to work.
  • All declarations of leave for pressing necessity and bereavement must be submitted on the appropriate form specifying the type, length and timing of the leave.
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to identify the circumstances supporting the leave by self-declaring the type of leave requested by e-mail to their supervisor.
  • The declaration must be sent to the employee’s immediate supervisor. 

Pressing Necessity

Common situations where leave for pressing necessity could be applicable are:

  • in the case of the birth of a child, pressing necessity leave could be accessed by the father
  • in the case of an adoption of a child, pressing necessity leave could be accessed by either parent on the day the child is brought home
  • in any situation where a member of the employee’s immediate family is gravely ill and it is requested that the family be present
  • in a situation where a member of an employee’s immediate family requires transportation for a medical procedure
  • in a situation where a member of an employee’s immediate family is taken ill, pressing necessity leave may be accessed to allow the employee time to make alternate care arrangements

Common situations where leave for pressing necessity would not likely be applicable are:

  • for legal or court appearances except subpoenas
  • celebratory occasions
  • mechanical breakdown of vehicle while getting to work
  • inability to return to work from vacation because of travel difficulties

Bereavement Leave

Where there is a death in the employee’s immediate or extended family, the employee may access leave as deemed appropriate.

3.10 - Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave - Appendix

Section:        Human Resources
Subject:        Pressing Necessity and Bereavement Leave
Appendix:    A