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3.16 - Military Leave - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Military Leave
Policy:              3.16
Approved:      March 16, 2004
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College supports Canada's Reserve Force and any employee who is a member of the Reserve Force.  Carlton Trail College will release from work, subject to operational requirements and the Collective Agreement, its employees who are members of the Reserve Force to allow them to participate in military training, courses and operations for a period of up to one year.

Military Leave

Definitions of Leave

Exercise: a period of time (usually 2 weeks) that is scheduled annually.

Trade or Occupational Training: a period of two or more weeks that is required for the employee to progress in his/her chosen military trade or occupation.

Domestic Operations: classified as Emergency - an event in Canada that has resulted in the Armed Forces being called in to assist civilian authorities.

Non-Emergency: operational training in Canada to develop military skills.

International Operations: an event occurring outside of Canada that involved the Canadian Forces such as peacekeeping and other humanitarian operations.

Written application is to be submitted as per Procedure 3.16 and approved by the President and CEO.

3.16 - Military Leave - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Military Leave
Procedure:     3.16
Approved:      March 16, 2004
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

All requests must be made in writing as follows:

Exercises and Trade/Occupational Training: one month prior to leave date.

Domestic Operations

Carlton Trail College recognizes that requirements for military leave in this category may sometimes occur on short notice and written requests may not, in an emergency situation, be possible.

Emergency operations:  employees must notify their out-of-scope supervisor as soon as possible, as it is an unexpected absence from work.

Non-emergency operations:  written application must be made one month prior to leave date.

International Operations

Prior approval is required for employees wishing to apply for international service.

Out-of-scope supervisors shall recommend approval of all requests for military leave.  The President and CEO shall have final approving authority.

Employees shall be allowed to utilize accumulated vacation and/or time in lieu, after which the leave shall be unpaid.