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3.27 - Staff Pay Rates - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Staff Pay Rates
Policy:              3.27
Approved:      May 19, 2015
Revised:          November 1, 2015             

It is the sole responsibility of the VP Administration to establish the placement of any employee being paid according to the Collective Agreement. All employee resumes are to be forwarded to the VP Administration on or before the commencement of employment. Placement of out-of-scope employees will be the responsibility of the President and CEO according to the Standing Policy on out-of-scope compensation issued by the Personnel Policy Secretariat.      

3.27 - Staff Pay Rates - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Staff Pay Rates
Procedure:     3.27
Approved:      June 9, 2008
Revised:          November 1, 2015     

Business, Industry & Community (BIC) Contracts (Not In-Scope of the Collective Bargaining Agreement)

All BIC contracts will be paid on the hourly payroll unless the individual(s) supply the College with documentation that proves they are a business entity, that they meet the four-point test outlined by the Canada Revenue Agency and are considered Independent contractors. The employer's Employment Insurance and Canada Pension contribution will be applied accordingly to all BIC contracted hours.

Pay rates for BIC contracts are not to exceed the daily rates as set out in the Collective Agreement nor is the compensation for other expenses to be unreasonable.  Expenses shall be paid as per allowances set out by the Saskatchewan Government Public Service Commission.

The provision of miscellaneous tasks, including moving equipment and/or furniture, on a casual/call-in basis shall be paid at the current provincial minimum pay rate plus $5 / hour. 

Final approval for all payroll (in-scope, BIC and Independent contractors) shall be the responsibility of the VP Administration.