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3.7 - Recruitment of Staff - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Recruitment of Staff
Policy:              3.7
Approved:      February 20, 2002
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Upon approval of the Board of Directors, the President and CEO or the VP Administration will fill newly established positions, or those positions not within the approved budget or business plan, in accordance with the Collective Agreement for in-scope positions, or in accordance with Policy 3.22 for out-of-scope positions.

The President and CEO or the VP Administration will fill vacant positions in accordance with the Collective Agreement for in-scope positions or in accordance with Policy 3.22 for out-of-scope positions.

The extent of advertising (e.g., local, provincial, national) will be at the discretion of the President and CEO or the VP Administration.

Appointments will be made by the VP Administration and reported to the Board at the next regular meeting.

Policy 3.7 is not applicable to the recruitment of instructional staff.  Recruitment of instructional staff is based on programming needs and available funding.