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4.7 - Vehicles - Policy

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Vehicles
Policy:              4.7
Approved:      August 22, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015
Reviewed:      November 30, 2016

The VP Finance shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of a fleet of leased vehicles and shall maintain liability insurance.

Employee use of College vehicles shall be governed by applicable clauses of the Collective Agreement.   

4.7 - Vehicles - Procedure

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Vehicles
Procedure:     4.7
Approved:      August 22, 1995
Revised:          September 22, 2009
Reviewed:      November 30, 2016
Users must be a College employee and have a valid Class 5 driver’s license. PIC numbers for all users are submitted to the insurance company by the VP Finance.
User Responsibilities
  • No personal use of College vehicles.
  • Vehicles are to be provided through the PDA/Receptionist.
  • Only College staff are authorized to drive vehicles except in an emergency situation.
  • Use of personal vehicles for College business, as well as travel out of province must be authorized by a member of the Executive Team.
  • All parking tickets and traffic violations are the responsibility of the person to whom the vehicle is assigned.
  • Accidents and/or other forms of damage are to be reported immediately to the VP Finance.
  • No pets allowed in vehicles.
  • Winter survival kits and first aid kits will be assigned to each vehicle.
  • College vehicles must be returned to College property at the end of a workday, unless with prior approval of a member of the Executive Team.
    • Before returning a vehicle back to the College the following duties are the responsibility of the person to whom the vehicle has been assigned:
    • Clean-up messes associated with dirt/mud, spills/stains and garbage.
    • Fuel up if below three quarters of a tank.
    • Wash vehicle if needed and time permits (use drive-thru and add to fuel bill). Advise the College receptionist if a vehicle needs cleaning.
    • Mileage form legibly filled out and receipts attached.
    • Perform walk-around before and after use to check tires and to ensure no damage is present.
    • Report concerns regarding mechanical or physical components of the vehicle to the College receptionist (e.g., odd sounds, burnt-out light, dents, etc.)
    • Ensure that the vehicle is returned by the time you originally stated when booking the vehicle out.

Program Delivery Associate/Receptionist Responsibilities

  • mileage forms, with receipts attached, sent to the accounting department by the fifth business day of the following month
  • new mileage forms set up
  • vehicle booking
  • scheduling regular maintenance

Preventative Maintenance Employee Responsibilities

Each office is to assign one employee to maintain preventative maintenance as per warranty (e.g., regular oil changes every 5,000 km).