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5.3 - BIC Fees - Policy

Section:           Programs
Subject:           BIC Fees
Policy:              5.3
Approved:      June 27, 1983
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Business, Industry & Community Education (BIC) Programs

Carlton Trail College shall establish and maintain a pricing policy for Business, Industry and Community Education programs consistent with that used system-wide.  Adoption of the policy supports the capability of the College to promote and encourage rural revitalization and economic and social development through the provision of programs and services that are appropriate to the region's communities.


The goal of BIC programs is to maximize value for clients and for the college.  Tuition fees for BIC programs offered by Carlton Trail College will be based on full cost recovery, plus administration charges to a maximum of 15%.


From time to time, situations arise where the market could bear a price greater than, or less than, the actual cost of delivering a program.  In those cases, the College may price the program to reflect the reality of the situation.  This exception shall not be applied to undercut the market solely to achieve a market advantage.