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6.1 - Admissions - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Admissions
Policy:              6.1
Approved:      April 1999
Revised:          November 1, 2015


Young Adults:  students enrolled in Grades 9-12 inclusive and persons who have fulfilled the requirements of the School Attendance Act, but have not reached their eighteenth birthday.

Adults:  persons eighteen years of age or older, regardless of school completion status.

Carlton Trail College is primarily for adult learners.  The Board of Directors has adopted the following policies regarding admission in College courses:

  • Admission in Regional College courses is open to adults or young adults as defined above.
  • Two-thirds of the students enrolled in any course must be adults.
  • Credit Programs:(University, Skills Training, ABE 3 and 4). Where a student or students enrolled in Grades 9-12 inclusive, wish to attend any credit course offered by the College, the student(s) must obtain written permission from the School principal.
  • Non-Credit Programs: Students enrolled in Grades 9-12 inclusive must have permission from the School Principal prior to registering in any non-credit class which is held during school hours.
  • School Boards may contract with the College to provide class space for a student or students in a course arranged by the College. The School Board will pay for the class space as negotiated with the College.

The Board may, in exceptional circumstances, admit persons of any age to a specific program by resolution of the Board.

6.1 (a) - Programs Admissions - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Admissions
Procedure:     6.1 (a)
Approved:      January 8, 2007
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Skills Training Program Admissions

Expressions of Interest/Requests for Information

Responsibility of Managers

  • to make available program-specific information package / application form / welcoming letter to all offices for all programs

Responsibility of PDAs and Receptionist

  • to record and maintain status report of enquiries and follow-up

Responsibility of Managers

  • to roll-up bi-weekly enquiry status


Responsibility of PDAs at Coordinating Location

  • to review applications for completeness and accuracy (see below) and to follow-up with applicants to complete documentation
  • if in receipt of application to program coordinated elsewhere, to record and forward application
  • to forward "exceptions" to Coordinator for evaluation and/or testing by Counseling
  • to forward complete (fully documented and with prerequisites met) applications and corresponding conditional acceptance or acceptance letters in a timely manner to Coordinator for confirmation of conditional acceptance or acceptance - note: students currently in high school or applicants awaiting screening results are considered fully documented sufficient for conditional acceptance

Responsibility of Managers

  • to set program qualifications pertaining to first qualified, first admitted in consultation with the VP Academic (i.e., to determine additional criteria for selection)
  • to roll-up bi-weekly application status


Responsibility of Registration Associate

  • to review applications received from PDAs and, if appropriate, to issue a letter of conditional acceptance or acceptance; if not appropriate, to identify deficiencies and to route documentation to Coordinator for resolution
  • to roll-up bi-weekly acceptance status


  • Timeliness principle:  Applicants should experience minimal waits for acknowledgement of receipt of enquiry or subsequent documentation; protracted waits serve as a barrier to learners and may result in "withdrawal" during admissions process.
  • Redundancy principle:  Where possible, "partnering or pairing" of duties accommodates office closure and/or (planned) absence of individual in order to achieve timely action; in addition, the application process requires adherence to defined standards, which is better achieved by dual and separate reviews of information/documentation.
  • Communication principle:  Where possible, IT resources, such as e-mail and folder sharing, should be used to expedite and clarify the admissions process; in particular, the recording of receipt/distribution of documents and the creating of status reports, should be integrated within the process.


  • Information package
  • Application form
  • Welcome letter
  • Status report(s) - enquiries / applications / acceptances
  • Follow-up (for documents) letter
  • Conditional acceptance / acceptance letter(s)

6.1 (b) - Programs Admissions - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Programs Admissions
Procedure:     6.1 (b)
Approved:      January 8, 2007
Revised:          November 1, 2015        

Adult Basic Education Program Admission

1.  Client Requests Basic Education Program Information

The ABE Manager is accountable for ensuring that a current Adult Basic Education pamphlet or information sheet is developed and made available for Reception, Program Support or Student Advisors to provide to clients along with a Carlton Trail College Adult Basic Education Application form.

2.  Client Requests Detailed Information / Counselling

Reception and/or Program Support Staff book an appointment for client to meet with Student Advisors to discuss options for upgrading and career planning.

3.  Client Self-Assessment

Reception and/or Program Support Staff ask client to review the Adult Basic Education pamphlet or information sheet and self-assess the appropriateness of ABE.

4.  Student Application

Applicant completes and submits the Carlton Trail College Adult Basic Education Application form and provides supporting documentation to Reception, Program Support or Student Advisor.

5.  Application Review

Program Support Staff review application for completeness and accuracy, and review transcripts.

6.  Academic Assessment

If the student's transcripts are GED, are over five years old or the student's grades are below 60%, the student will complete a Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) to determine academic levels.  CAAT may be administered by Program Support Staff or Counselling Staff but will be scored and interpreted by Counselling Staff.

Students who have not completed Grade 10 or GED, but score many/all PHS (Post-High School) GEs may be considered for direct advancement to ABE 12.

Students with a complete GED will be considered for Grade 12 unless CAAT scores below 10.0 GE suggest a need to repeat ABE 10.

CAAT scores below 10.0 GE suggest a student may need to repeat ABE 10.

CAAT scores below 8.0 GE may suggest need for Learning Disability Screening and/or an Adult Basic Education Grades 5-9 program or literacy tutoring.

NOTE: each student is a unique individual and must be treated as such; special circumstances may demand actions outside of these guidelines.

7.  Student Advisor Interview

Student Advisor works with applicant to complete Student Advisor Interview Checklist and Learning Issues Checklist.  Neither checklist is to be given to the applicant to complete or to be completed through group sessions.  These checklists will be completed in a one-on-one counselling interview to ensure that the applicant understands the importance of all aspects of the information and to ensure accuracy and completeness.  During the Student Advisor interview, the Student Advisor will address with the applicant potential issues such as health, childcare, reliable transportation, stable living environment, support systems, finances and other issues affecting retention / success. 

Student Advisor will score Learning Issues Checklist.  Checklists presenting at least 6 positive indicators in any one learning issues section (Auditory, Visual, Memory or Attention) will be forwarded to the Learning Specialist for review and possible testing.  If CAAT scores are below 8.0 GE and the Learning Issues Checklist suggests high probability of the occurrence of a learning disability, then the Learning Specialist will prioritize students and will conduct appropriate tests. The Learning Specialist will make appropriate recommendations for placement, accommodation or alternate action planning.

NOTE: if an applicant applies too late in the fall, it may not be possible to complete LD testing prior to program start; in such cases, testing will be completed as soon as possible.

Applicants identified during the intake and assessment interview as having potential financial need will meet with PTA Administrator to determine PTA eligibility and funding levels for the purpose of planning finances for the upcoming school year.  If applicants are not eligible for PTA, or if PTA funding is insufficient to address their financial need, they will be referred back to Student Advisor for further financial and/or employment counselling.

Student Advisor will develop an Applicant Academic Plan inclusive of any pre-requisites for career options identified through the counselling session(s) and will develop a Basic Information Summary sheet for use in the acceptance interview. The summary will include name, age, gender, grade equivalency, identified learning issues/disabilities, PTA status and career goals/options.

8.  Acceptance Interview

Applicant is interviewed by appropriate Program Staff.  It is not possible to interview all applicants. Only those who are likely candidates and who have completed all of the other steps in the application process will be interviewed.

There will be at least two interview dates during the summer, ideally in mid- to late June and mid-August. Interviews will be scheduled to provide as much lead-time prior to program start date as possible.  Advising Staff will ensure that they have accommodated their applicants before leaving on holidays, and applicants will be given concrete expectations to use in their planning and decision-making.

NOTE: for last-minute applicants, accommodations may have to be made to accept clients into the program to ensure maximum enrolment.

9.  Acceptance

Acceptance into the Basic Education Program is the responsibility of the ABE Manager and/or the duty of the appropriate Student Advisor.

The documentation for applicants who have successfully completed all of the steps in this process will be given to the Registration Clerk who will enter them into OCSM, prepare and mail out acceptance letters and prepare student files.

10.  Class Registration

The students will be registered through group sessions conducted by appropriate Program Staff.  Student Advisors will provide lists of what subjects students are to register in to meet career planning prerequisites. The Registration Clerk will process the completed registrations.

11.  Orientation

The ABE Manager is accountable for the development of an orientation and study skills workshop to be delivered by the appropriate Counselling and/or Program Staff to each ABE program prior to the first day of classes.

Registration and orientation will be held on the same day to reduce duplication.

It is the responsibility of the ABE Manager to provide a bi-weekly status report on the numbers of clients / applicants / students and their progress through the application process.


  • Timeliness. Applicants should experience minimal waits for acknowledgement of receipt of enquiry or subsequent documentation. Protracted waits serve as a barrier to learners and may result in withdrawal during the application process.
  • Redundancy. Where possible, partnering or pairing accommodates office closure and/or (planned) absence of individuals in order to achieve timely action. In addition, the application process requires adherence to defined standards, which is better achieved by dual and separate reviews of information/documentation.
  • Communication. Where possible, IT resources, such as e-mail and folder sharing, should be used to expedite and clarify the application and acceptance process. In particular, the recording of receipt/distribution of documents and the creating of status reports, should be integrated within the process.
  • Student Focus. All activities and processes must be cognizant of the need for learner support and nurturing, with the focus being on learner success.


  • Information package
  • Application form
  • Canadian Adult Achievement Test
  • Counselling Interview Checklist (includes Applicant Academic Plan)
  • Learning Issues Checklist
  • Basic Information Summary sheet
  • Acceptance letter
  • Student file notes (includes subjects list)
  • Orientation and study skills workshop
  • Status report(s) - enquiries / applications / acceptances