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6.13 - Weather - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Weather
Policy:              6.13
Approved:      November 16, 2004
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College wishes to ensure the safety of students who do not live in the community where classes are held; however, only under "severe weather conditions" will a decision be made to cancel classes.

The determination of "severe weather conditions" will be guided by the following:

  • Temperature:  -45°C with wind chill factor or -35°C air temperature
  • Visibility and Road Conditions: travel is not advised or roads are closed according to the Highway Hotline.

Students will be expected to make up the time and assignments.

6.13 - Weather - Procedure

Section:            Students
Subject:            Weather
Procedure:      6.13
Approved:       November 2, 2005
Reviewed:       May 21, 2013
Revised:           November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College wishes to ensure the safety of students who do not live in the community where classes are held; however, only under “severe weather conditions” will a decision be made to cancel classes.

The decision to cancel classes is the responsibility of the respective Manager in consultation with the Instructor.


The Manager will contact the Instructor of the program prior to 8 a.m. and advise the President and CEO of the decision immediately thereafter.

The Manager will be responsible to advise all of the Instructors in the program.  All Instructors will notify students as quickly as possible.

In those situations where “severe weather conditions” arise during the day, the Manager, in consultation with the Instructor, will make the decision whether or not to cancel class and will advise the President and CEO of the decision promptly thereafter.

Students will be expected to make up the missed time and assignments.