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6.15 - Student Scholarships and Bursaries - Policy

Section:            Students
Subject:            Student Scholarships and Bursaries
Policy:               6.15
Approved:       March 19, 2013
Reviewed:       May 21, 2013
Revised:           November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College shall maintain a student awards program that is fundamentally designed to support Carlton Trail College students in their pursuit of education and training.             

6.15 - Student Scholarships and Bursaries - Procedure

Section:            Students
Subject:            Student Scholarships and Bursaries
Procedure:      6.15
Approved:       March 19, 2013
Reviewed:       May 21, 2013
Revised:           November 1, 2015

The goals of the Carlton Trail College student awards program are:

  • to support Carlton Trail College students in their pursuit of education and training
  • to encourage students to remain within the region for education and/or training and future employment
  • to recognize the merits of Carlton Trail College students including academic achievement, community involvement, etc.
  • to encourage First Nations and Metis students in their pursuit of education and training
  • to encourage foreign trained/educated and/or ESL learners in their pursuit of education and training
  • to assist students with financial need who wish to pursue education and training in Carlton Trail College programs
  • to provide an opportunity for business, industry, groups, organizations and individuals to invest in the growth of the individual, the region and the province
  • to leverage other available scholarship programs to the benefit of Carlton Trail College students

Types of awards established in the program may include:

  • Scholarships (awards based on merit)
  • Bursaries (awards based on need)

The focus of the awards program will be informed by the College strategic plan developed by the Board of Directors.

The Marketing Facilitator and/or designate will work with sponsors and donors to establish specific selection criteria for each award, promote the program to students and potential students and appropriately recognize the contributions of sponsors and donors.