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6.2 - Student Loan Documentation - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Student Loan Documentation
Policy:              6.2
Approved:      March 20, 2001
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College is authorized to administer student loans.  With respect to that duty, the following staff shall have signing authority:

  • Enterprise Division Manager
  • Skills Training Manager
  • Program Facilitator/Training Consultant
  • VP Academic
  • VP Administration
  • Registration Clerk         

6.2 - Student Loan Documentation - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Student Loan Documentation
Procedure:     6.2
Approved:      July 17, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The main office address of the College is to be used on all student loan documentation.

Carlton Trail College

Box 720

Humboldt, SK  S0K 2A0

The federal code is CJAA.

Course Information Sheets

  • Upon application to a program, Course Information Sheets may be completed using the information from the Student Fee Chart and signed by those College personnel having signing authority for student loans.

Eligibility and Provincial Loan Agreement

  • Upon registration in a program, authorized college personnel may sign the Certificate of Eligibility and Provincial Loan Agreement. Loan certificates may be signed up to thirty (30) days before the commencement date of the program.

All tuition, fees, and books must be deducted from the face of the certificate:

"Please forward, in trust, to Carlton Trail College, P.O. Box 720, Humboldt, SK  S0K 2A0, the sum of $ __________."    (Please use the stamp provided)

The institution's copy of the student loan certificate (Educational Copy - copy 3 - of the Canada/Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loan form - yellow in color) is to be forwarded immediately to the Registration Clerk.  This documentation will be kept in the official student file.

A photocopy of the completed form showing the deduction for costs is to be forwarded to the accounts office.

Interest Free Certificate

  • Upon registration in a full time program, authorized college personnel may sign the Interest Free Certificate (Confirmation of Enrolment) up to 30 days prior to commencement of the program. The institution's copy is to be forwarded immediately to the Registration office. This documentation will be kept in the official student file.


  • When a student discontinues, a Grad/Leaver form must be filled out immediately and forwarded to the Registration Clerk.

The Registration Clerk will notify the Student Finance Board.   A copy of the notification will be forwarded to the accounts office.