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Carlton Trail College
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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Health & Safety Information (July 13, 2022)

Carlton Trail College is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all members of our learning communities. Even as health and safety mandates related to COVID-19 have lessened, our College is still monitoring the pandemic and it remains important that we continue to protect ourselves and others.



  • The College is a “mask-friendly” environment and fully supports individuals wanting to wear masks at any of our locations.

Personal Health and Wellness


As we work with regional partners, please note their COVID-19 protocols, including proof of vaccination, testing or masking requirements, may differ from Carlton Trail College’s. We will work to communicate these differences to any affected programs. 

For the latest on all provincial guidelines and health measures, visit


For more information, contact:

Symptoms or Health Concerns

Call HealthLine at 811.


General SK COVID-19 Questions

Call 1-855-559-5502 or (306) 787-8539.