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Carlton Trail College
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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Aboriginal Initiatives

An Aboriginal woman thinking about offering a training program on her First Nation.

Carlton Trail College has developed strong partnerships with the region’s First Nations communities and offers education and training programs that meet the specific needs of First Nations and Metis people.

We offer a wide range of literacy, employment readiness, adult basic education and specific occupational training programs delivered on the First Nation or in a nearby community.

We work with the following…

  • Kinistin Saulteaux First Nation
  • George Gordon First Nation
  • One Arrow First Nation
  • Yellow Quill First Nation
  • Kawacatoose First Nation
  • Muskowekwan First Nation
  • Fishing Lake First Nation
  • Daystar First Nation
  • Touchwood Agency Tribal Council
  • Saskatoon Tribal Council

We can customize our training programs to meet your specific needs.

If you are interested in offering a program or course on your First Nation, contact…

Carlton Trail College