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Carlton Trail College
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Train Your Employees

A man instructing a group of adults in a customized  computer course.

If you want to…

  • increase quality, productivity and profits,
  • improve staff recruitment, retention and morale,
  • enhance your problem solving capability,
  • provide the required certification training for your employees,
  • reduce or eliminate the costs of travel and hotels by training locally, or
  • achieve your education, training and personal development goals

Carlton Trail College can help.

We can…

  • customize training to meet the specific needs of your business or industry,
  • source established programs and tailor these programs to fit your needs,
  • train all of your employees at the same time or in select groups and customize the training even further, and
  • deliver your training onsite or at one of our facilities.

You can choose from…

  • health and safety training
  • computer and software training
  • occupational training
  • industry specific training
  • professional development
  • and more!

A Training Specialist will meet with you to discuss your specific training and education needs and then provide you with a free quote for the type of training required.  

For more information about Customized Training, contact a Training Specialist at your nearest Carlton Trail College Office in…

…or contact…

Carlton Trail College