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Stantec® Green Defensive Driving (GDD)

Online Options - Miscellaneous Online Courses

Learn how to become a better and safer driver in this online course.  Discover why and how various types of motor vehicle collisions occur and what it takes to prevent collisions.  Gain tips on how to become a defensive driver and how to reduce the environmental impact of driving.

Topics include the following:

  • What is involved in driving defensively
  • How driver attitude impacts driving performance
  • What aspects of the road require attention
  • What it takes to prevent collisions
  • How to properly maintain a vehicle
  • How to drive in different weather conditions, and
  • How to reduce the environmental impact of driving

Successfully passing this course may qualify you for a reduction in demerit points. Contact your local motor vehicle registry for more information.

A member of the Carlton Trail College team will contact you within 3 business days to provide you with login details.

Tuition: $ 129.00
Total: $ 129.00

Course Details

Dates & Times:

This course is offered on an on-demand basis.


For More Information Contact Us At
