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Agriculture Sciences

Post-Secondary Education - Agriculture

Lakeland College Certificate

Take the first step towards a career in agriculture. This certificate program focuses on crop production and allows you to master skills
essential for modern agricultural operations. Topics include Plant Science and Field Crops, Soil Science, Tillage and Direct Seeding
Systems, and Weed and Herbicide Management. Plus, you’ll learn about Computer Applications, Business Records and Reporting, Grain Marketing, and more. This program includes face-to-face, virtual, and hands-on learning.

Upon completion, you’ll have the opportunity to transfer into year two of Lakeland’s Crop Technology Diploma program, offered in Vermilion or enter the workforce in the retail agriculture sector or a farming operation.

This program is approximately 7 months long.

You’ll need Grade 12 with a minimum of 50% in ELA A30 & ELA B30, FND MATH 20 or PRE-CAL 20, one 20-level core Science & English
Language Requirement.

The following courses are offered:

Agricultural Communications and Computer Applications (CO 138)

This is a course in oral and written communication as it relates to the agricultural community. Assignments focus on agricultural topics, employment issues, and interview skills. Assignments are related to activities students may encounter when they are part of the agricultural community.  Labs will focus on computer skills related to Microsoft Office and other software applications.

Business Records and Reporting (AE 202)

This class is designed so students will have an understanding of the key accounting and financial concepts related to their agriculture operations. A computerized accounting system is introduced and utilized for data entry and financial statement preparation.

Economic Forces in Agriculture (AE 100)

This course deals with economic principles underlying production, markets, and the national economy. Agricultural examples are used throughout.

Grain, Oilseeds and Pulse Crop Marketing (AE 300)

Provides in-depth analysis of pricing and delivery options available to the farm manager. Learn how to analyze grain, oilseed, and pulse crop markets.


AE 100

Pesticide Application Technologies (MR 142)

Provide in-depth study of pesticide spray application equipment commonly used on prairie grain farms. Pesticide legislation, safety, health and environmental considerations covered to assist those interested in pursuing a provincial pesticide applicators license. Application accuracy and efficiency are emphasized, as is safe and responsible use.

Plant Science and Field Crops (CR 160)

Introduction to basic plant botany and production of grain and oilseed crops in western Canada. Study plant physiology, major plant parts and their role in plant growth and development. Discover major growth factors for crops on the prairies and how they can affect these crops. Combined with specific best practices for major grain and oilseed crops of Western Canada.

Soil Science (SO 102)

This course involves a study of the basic properties of soils. The course studies Physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils to provide and understanding of how soils function as a growth medium in agriculture. The Soil Orders of the Canadian System of Soil Classification relevant to field crop production in Western Canada reviewed.

Student Managed Farm 1 (AE 101)

This course introduces the student to the Lakeland College Student Managed Farm and Crop Technology Practicum.  It provides students with basic principles of working in groups in a business environment, and introduces students to some basic professionalism skills. The course also introduces students to field reporting software and more complex Excel computing problem solving.

Tillage and Direct Seeding Systems (MR 112)

This course covers the related areas of tillage, seeding and fertilizing equipment. Emphasis is placed on systems common to the Western Canadian prairies. Skills are implemented to assist decision-making and problem-solving in common agricultural production situations. Course topics are studied in the classroom, the shop, and in the field if the season permits.

Weed and Herbicide Management (CR 242)

This is a course in weed biology, ecology and identification. Then integration of common cultural, biological and chemical weed management practices with the entire cropping system is discussed. Chemical make-up, mode of action and safe handling of herbicides included.

Application Fee:$ 50.00
Total: $ 50.00

The following is an estimate and is subject to change without notice.

Tuition & Fees Books & Supplies Total


$1,200 $7,085


Program Details

Start Date:October 03, 2023
Dates & Times:

Starts October 3, 2023


For More Information Contact Us At

306.682.2623 or 1.800.667.2623