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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Early Childhood Education (ECE) - Certificate of Achievement

Post-Secondary Education - Human Services

Sask Polytech Certificate of Achievement

Do you enjoy working with children? Do you like helping them learn? Then, becoming an Early Childhood Educator may be the career for you!  Enjoy the flexibility of part-time courses as you pursue an Early Childhood Education Certificate of Achievement.  This program is open to both adults and high school students who meet the English language requirement.

Take the first step to a career in Early Childhood Education with the following Sask Polytech courses: ECE 106 (Role of Play in Early Childhood Education), ECE 142 (Health, Safety and Nutrition), HUMD 183 (Child Guidance). Successful completion of these courses will qualify you to apply for Level 1 Early Childhood Education Certification from the Ministry of Education. This is the minimum level required in order to work more than 65 hours per month in a child care centre.  Plus, if you are a high school student while taking this program, you are able to earn dual credits.

Please call 1.800.667.2623 to confirm tuition and book pricing.

The courses included are the following:

ECE 106 - Dynamics of Play 1
ECE 142 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
HUMD 183 - Child Guidance



The following courses are offered:

ECE 106 - Dynamics of Play 1

You will learn about the essential role play has in supporting the holistic development of children. The course focuses on the role of the early childhood educator in supporting children’s play, exploration and inquiry across all cultures and abilities.

Credit Units: 3

Course Hours: 45.0

Equivalent Course(s): ECE 106CE, HUMD 182

ECE 142 - Health, Safety and Nutrition

Your studies will focus on diverse cultural practices that promote the health, safety and nutritional needs of children and which support their holistic development.

Credit Units: 3

Course Hours: 45.0

Equivalent Course(s): ECE 142CE

HUMD 183 - Child Guidance 1

You will examine the strategies of developmentally appropriate child guidance. You will learn about the importance of building relationships and establishing trust prior to guiding behavior. You will practice techniques that support children while encouraging a co-operative attitude, a sense of autonomy and a positive self-image. Your studies will also explore Indigenous traditional practices of modelling and storytelling as a guidance technique.

Credit Units: 4

Course Hours: 60.0

Equivalent Course(s):  HUM 183CE

Application Fee:$ 50.00
Total: $ 50.00

Please call 1.800.667.2623 for information regarding tuition, fees, books and materials.

Program Details

Start Date:September 09, 2024
Dates & Times:

Starts September 9, 2024 (This is a part-time program.)


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