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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Mental Health and Addictions Counselling - Year 1

Post-Secondary Education - Human Services

Sask Polytech Diploma - Year 1

Make a difference for clients suffering with mental health or addictions problems.  This offering is the first year of the Mental Health and Addictions Counselling (formerly Addictions Counselling) Diploma Program.

Some of the topics you'll study include Responsibilities and Ethics, Mental Health First Aid, Psycology, Subtance Use and Disorder Patterns, Addictions, Detoxification Processes and more. 

When you complete Year 2 of the diploma, you'll be able to apply some of your clinical practice education hours as recognized clinical supervision to achieve full CACCF certification as a mental health and addictions counsellor or prevention worker.

You'll need Grade 12 with ELA A30 and ELA B30. If you are accepted, you'll be asked to provide a satisfactory Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search and current immunization records.

Program Details

Start Date:October 01, 2024
Dates & Times:

Starts October 2024  (Applications for this program are now closed.)


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