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Carlton Trail College
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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Our Donors

Thank You to Our Donors and Sponsors

Carlton Trail College was pleased to distribute 43 scholarships and bursaries totaling $41,000 to student recipients in 2022.  These scholarships and bursaries were awarded to students enrolled in Carlton Trail College post-secondary programs of 12 weeks or longer.

The awards were made possible because of the generous donations we received from businesses, organizations and individuals and matching funds from the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program.

2022 Donors and Sponsors

The Walker Wood Foundation
Carlton Trail College Staff
Humboldt Smiles Dental Studio
RBC Staff
Amy Yeager
Ed Yee
Bourgault Industries
City of Humboldt
Doepker Industries
Humboldt Co-op
Michel’s Industries
Midway Co-op
Saskatoon Co-op
Schulte Industries
Tremblay Electric


Flaman Sales
Melron Service
Numerous Individuals
With Matching Funds From
The Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program

If you have any questions about Carlton Trail College Student Awards or if you would like to sponsor an award, contact:
Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program
Charitable Registration Number:   10687 5123 RR0001