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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


Carlton Trail College Student Awards


Each year, Carlton Trail College awards scholarships to deserving students.

Presently, there are four types of awards available to Carlton Trail College students entering into or completing post-secondary programs of 12 weeks or longer. 

These scholarships are made possible through generous donations from businesses, organizations and individuals. Donations designated to post-secondary programs are matched by the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program.

Emergency Financial Aid Bursaries

In addition, Carlton Trail College students who are entering are or are enrolled in a post-secondary program of 12 weeks or longer AND who are experiencing sudden and unexpected financial need, including those arising from the impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, may apply for The Carlton Trail College Walker Wood Foundation Emergency Financial Aid Bursary.

To access the application, click here.

Funds from the Walker Wood Foundation have helped make this emergency bursary available to Carlton Trail College students.

Thank you so much to all of Our Donors.  

You too can Sponsor an Award.

If you have any questions or would like to sponsor an award, contact the…

Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program
Charitable Registration Number:   10687 5123 RR0001